Explore Cryptocurrency mining Data center in Sweden with XcelPay.
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Despite some negative news from the Bitcoin market, the cryptocurrency rate still remains high, and the cryptocurrency itself is stably popular. Of course, there are still many who want to mine a coin or two. But the complexity of mining is already so high that at home you can mine yourself, except for cookies for tea.
And mining itself is gaining a truly industrial scale. The aforesaid, in particular, is confirmed by a new project: a 10-megawatt data center, all of whose equipment will be involved in mining.
KnC Miner has a new data center, which is engaged in the creation of equipment for cryptocurrency mining. The construction site is Boden, Sweden. So, the “cryptocurrency” data center is being built nearby, only 15 kilometers from the data center of the social network.

A new facility was built not from scratch, it was housed in the building of the former helicopter hangar, a huge building modernized by new owners. The equipment in the data center was installed client-side, but purchased by miners from KnC Miner itself.
Now this company is creating specialized equipment in which the center of everything and everything is specialized integrated circuits, ASIC — Application Specific Integrated Circuits.
Now, KnC Miner goes to a new level, intending to offer “clouds” for cryptocurrency mining. And since this type of equipment “eats” a lot of energy, it was decided to place a data center in a cold region. And the Swedish Lulea is an almost perfect place for a data center to work.
Nevertheless, the company is already negotiating with local authorities over the construction of larger facilities this year.
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