Countries that are Planning to Accept Bitcoin!

Several countries around the world have already accepted cryptocurrencies. They are drafting laws to permit crypto coins. Here is the list of crypto-friendly nations that are preparing to accept bitcoin and other cryptos as a legal medium of exchange by 2019, keep your XcelPay wallet handy while you travel to these countries and make your transactions with cryptos cheaper, easier and safer:

United States

Bitcoin is accepted extensively in the United States, but the administration is looking to generate laws for the digital coin to give it legal cover.


The use of Bitcoin has been growing in Canadian businesses and online shops. The government is working tirelessly to make it a legal currency by 2019.


Cryptocurrencies are suggestively prevalent in European countries. The EU has been taking collective initiatives to increase the use of bitcoin and other digital currencies.


Japan is among those nations considered to be the first adopters of bitcoin. The administration of Japan, however, is planning to create more rules for bitcoin to increase its use in business transactions.

South Korea

The cryptocurrency marketplaces have been in receipt of a noteworthy amount of volume from South Korea, where the administration is planning to accept bitcoin in business procedures.

If you are planning a visit to any of these countries that accept bitcoin, download the XcelPay app in order to transact with crypto. The app is now available for both android and IOS devices.


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