List of Merchants Who Accept Bitcoins
Here are a list of services, websites, merchants
and stores which accept Bitcoin
Download XcelPay to start shopping for goods and
services now:
Subway: Bitcoins can now be used to eat freshly made Subway
sandwiches! Many Subway outlets in the US have begun to accept Bitcoin as payment.
Wikipedia: Preparing to make a contribution to
Wikipedia? They now accept Bitcoin
Wordpress: Wordpress too, has commenced accepting
Bitcoin payments. You can now purchase your domain using Bitcoins!
Microsoft: One of the principal names in the list,
Microsoft too, has started accepting Bitcoin payments for some items -
especially on the Windows Store and the XBOX Store.
Reddit: Looking forward to purchase Reddit Gold? You
can now do so by means of Bitcoins!
OkCupid: Online dating becomes simpler with top
features! OkCupid, one of the major players in the world of online court ship
has begun to accept payments made via Bitcoins.
Steam: Gamers are in the joy of their life as Steam too, now accepts Bitcoins for payment.
Download the XcelPay
app now to transact with your cryptocurrencies on the above sites that
accept Bitcoin.
Zynga: One of the principal names in the world of mobile
gaming, Zynga is the maker of many hit games such as Farmville and Poker, etc.
You can now make in-game acquisitions using Bitcoins in Zynga games.
Available now on IOS and
Android app stores.
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