4 World Class Universities That Accept Bitcoins As Imbursement.

Universities athwart the globe are accepting Bitcoin at a rapid pace. In fact, a few universities have started educating students about blockchain technology and crypto coins. Below are some of the universities that accept Bitcoin as a payment option:

University of Cumbria
This is one of the first universities in the on the globe to accept Bitcoin and other digital currencies. The university allows a part of tuition fees to be paid using bitcoin.
European School of Management and Technology Berlin
ESMT Berlin is one of the first German institutions that offers higher education in return they accept Bitcoin as payment; this is for some of its degrees and executive level education programs.
King’s College
King’s College of New York City is among the first US colleges to accept Bitcoin payments for tuition fees, which helps eliminate 2-3% of transaction fees associated with credit cards.
University of Nicosia
This university is one of the foremost accredited universities in the world to accept Bitcoin as a imbursement option. Their thoughts surrounding this espousal is to improve the effectiveness of their services.

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