Use a Secure Crypto Wallet to Transact with Retailers Online

Do you have cryptocurrencies (utility tokens) to spend? And do you love online shopping? Then check out these online retailers who accept cryptocurrencies. To make maximum usage of these platforms download a secure crypto wallet that enables these transactions easily- XcelPay is one such wallet that you can have to ease transactions.
Overstock was one of the biggest online retailers to start accepting cryptos in January, 2014. The company allows for its customers to pay for electronic items to bedspreads with bitcoins. At check out you will have to select your preferred choice of cryptocurrency; this will then convert the price to crypto and then you cab finalise your purchase.
Shopify stores
In November of 2013 all 75,000 Shopify merchants were asked to start accepting bitcoins payments. Shopyify is one of those platforms where online shops sell products like Etsy or eBay. With a wallet like XcelPay you can easily transact on this site, with this secure crypto wallet you can keep your transactions safe.
Reeds Jewelers, Inc
Reed Jewelers is an American jeweller with multiple locations in the states and online stores, they all accept cryptocurrencies. You can now purchase fine jewellery, watches and loose diamonds. Free delivery via armoured transport is available for purchases of loose valued at more than $25,000.
To make payments to these platforms use a securecrypto wallet that could make sure that these transactions are absolutely safe. XcelPay is one of those crypto wallets that make sure ease and safety of the transactions.
Download the XcelPay app from Android and IOS app stores. 


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