SolarisBank Launches Custodial Cryptocurrency Platform

German FinTech banking provider, solarisBank, today announced the launch of a new custodial platform for digital assets . As with the company’s digital banking products, the platform is API-accessible, and integrates into its partner’s own websites and apps. FULLY LICENSED DIGITAL ASSET SOLUTION The new platform is run as a subsidiary of solarisBank , called solaris Digital Assets GmbH. However the custodial solution integrates fully with the rest of the solarisBank digital banking suite. SolarisBank is fully licensed and regulated in the German market, and the API-accessible nature of its platform means that partner companies can benefit from this when creating their own solutions. Essentially, partners can concentrate on building web and app-based front-ends which connect to the solaris APIs behind the scenes. Thereby they can remain secure and complaint, without having to design, build, and license their own custodial solutions. BALANCING SECURITY AND ACCES...